Factory West Studio
"A place where art is fun."

Got a little ache - got a little pain - got a little itch drivin' you insane?
Well don't you worry - don't you scream get Old Rock 'n' Roll Queen - Happiness Cream.
Use anywhere you need a little love.
Contact Heidie
The Hands You Remember Available Now * Incredible * Nothing else like it!! CBD Hand Lotion Supreme "The CBD hand lotion you'll never forget."
Updated February 2025
Mad Max or the Garden of Eden (Listen for free & enjoy)
Elegant wisdom from the fire of genius:
Judge Judy, Jane Goodall, Sir David Attenborough, E.O.Wilson
and the Old Rock 'n' Roll Queen wondering what will we choose?
Mad Max or the Garden of Eden.
Are We The Weather? (Listen for free & think about the earth)
Now critically acclaimed, "The quintessential climate change CD of our time."
Mark M. - Island Station Media Lab Milwaukie OR.
Physical CD available for $12.00 https://factory-west-studio.square.site/
(I'll send you two CD's - one to keep and one to give away)
"Happiness Cream saved my hands, without it this CD would not exist."
The Old Rock 'n' Roll Queen
Requiem For A Dog * Dear Old Friend https://youtu.be/SoB0dhhPNV4
Anyone can earn $6000.00 a month working two hours a day in a Human-Energy- based economy. Savor a sublime and decadent world without crude oil.
Unmasking the Illusion - Amazon link
Clifford is a brief slice of a rudderless teenage life. A preponderance of the book takes place on a road trip with Floyd and Marsha. After narrowly missing Clifford with a bucket of chicken bones (hurled from their car) the improbable pair offer Clifford a ride.
Clifford is beguiled by an uninhibited Marsha. (Marsha is the first female to treat Clifford with something other than scorn.) The trek ends at Marsha's house. Clifford isn't asked to leave and is delighted to stay. The indelible climax of Clifford takes place at a party.
Clifford - Amazon link
The Family Album - Amazon Link
Updated February 2025